My Pumpkin is Frozen…and other things that don’t go as planned

Lately, my life has not been going “as planned.”

The calendar tells us that autumn has arrived….and we welcome it.

Welcome Fall

Autumn is wonderful.  It’s a time of hearing the crunch of leaves under our feet…for breathing in the crisp, fresh air…for finding beauty in the witness of nature changing slowly from one season to the next.

Beauty of Autumn

But on this Saturday morning, October 29, many of us wake and scream…my pumpkin is frozen!

Frozen Pumpkin

We find that winter has made an unexpected early arrival.

Winter in October

Winter in October 2 Winter in October 3

Each day, we go about our lives, expecting the expected…until the unexpected happens.

Yesterday, my family received unwelcome news.

Like snow in October, we adjust.  We deal.  We go into our closets to find our boots and our gloves.  We tromp through the snow and the slush.  We shield our faces from the wind.  We muddle through the unexpected…knowing that one day, maybe when we least expect it… we will again feel the warmth of the sun.

It will thaw our pumpkins…………………………….and brighten our days….

IMG_2623 IMG_1801

…and fade the memory of an unwelcomed season.

How do you deal with unexpected and unwelcome news?

I’m going to try hard to write a few posts this week and catch ya’ll up.  I’ve truly missed being here on a regular basis and commenting on your posts as well!!

13 responses to this post.

  1. In Miami the heat is more oppressive than the government of North Korea. I’d trade places in a flash.


  2. OMG, Tracy…I am TOTALLY flipping out about the snow you got because you’re in the same STATE!?! The only thing we’re getting is snowy/rain – more like SLUSH!

    These photos are gorgeous! LOVE the one of the frozen pumpkin.

    And like Carl shared, I use to live Florida, and I DO NOT miss that oppressive heat. Especially at this time of the year.

    So glad to see that you had posted today, girl. You’ve been missed!

    Have a great weekend and please send some of that REAL snow to Philly, okay?



  3. Sorry about the bad news. Thanks for the beautiful pictures! It’s 83 degrees here. (sob)


  4. Posted by suzicate on October 29, 2011 at 1:04 pm

    Nobody wants snow on their pumpkins! I LOVE that second picture.


  5. I wail a bit and then try to find a way to make the best of it, I suppose.

    We’ve had a bit of a cold snap, but no snow yet, which is a good thing. But winter will be hitting Ontario before too long. I need to make sure I haven’t lost my snow boots.


  6. Posted by pattisj on October 29, 2011 at 3:38 pm

    It sure is pretty–in YOUR yard. 🙂 Much too early, though! Your wreath is lovely and welcoming.


  7. Right now I am unexpectedly watching a LOT of The Weather Channel 😀 I can’t hear enough of the unexpected early snowfall. Wow! It does look odd. Almost as if skipping right over Autumn.

    One thing I’ve learned when unexpected things happen is to find out the facts first and then look at possible options and then make a choice out of those. I’ve realized that acting out with melodramatic displays of emotion has done nothing but make matters worse. It also makes you less effective in getting to a solution.

    Complimenting this rather well is my (sometimes weakness, sometimes a strength) of wanting to FIX things! Some have even called me cold and unemotional because I don’t freak out like I used to when I was younger, but honestly, even though some may perceive it as endearing, you are less effective when you get stuck in being overwhelmed with emotion. Feel it, then think – then go through!

    Bad/negative unexpected events are like slushy mud: you don’t want to peddle in it any longer than you have to and you don’t want to get stuck in the mud. Find something on the other side to hook into and get going – and while you’re at it – LEARN WHATEVER YOU CAN! (I always think about it like this: if I have to go through this mess anyway, what a waste it would be if you got out on the other side with nothing to show for it. At least get the lesson, then move on.)

    With good/positive unexpected events: I rejoice shamelessly, laughing and cheering (and even cry with joy!) Then I try to take it in as much as I can because it won’t last forever, and to always remember to say thank you and be grateful.


  8. Posted by Bonnie on October 31, 2011 at 1:28 pm

    Oh Tracy, I couldn’t believe the early arrival either. I too am already looking forward to Spring! These pictures are beautiful though. 🙂


  9. The first snow’s timing kinda annoyed me. Snow in October just isn’t right.


  10. It looks beautiful! of course, we get snow once every 30 years so I can say that. I also love your pink door.


  11. Laughing at the malfunction of the universe is my motto. Great shots btw.


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